Senior Access Program (SAP)

In partnership with local nonprofits, AHFC provides funds to allow senior citizens (those over 55 years of age) to make accessibility modifications to their homes, extending their ability to live independently in the community.

How to Participate

Interested households should contact the intermediary agency that serves your community.

Grant Amount

Grants are limited to:

  1. $25,000 for owner-occupied and $20,000 for renter-occupied homes in Moderate Cost Areas: Defined as communities connected by road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks (within the State boundaries).  
  2. $30,000 for owner-occupied and $25,000 for renter-occupied homes in Intermediate Cost Areas: Defined as communities not connected by road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks (within State boundaries) that do not meet the definition of a Small Community. 
  3. $35,000 for owner-occupied and $30,000 for renter-occupied homes in High Cost Areas: Defined as communities not connected by road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks (within State boundaries) that meet the definition Small Community.

Statewide, small state-licensed assisted living facilities that have less than five beds are eligible to receive up to $10,000 for modifications. Modifications cannot exceed $20,000 per assisted living facility. Funds are to be utilized after similar funding sources (Veterans, USDA, Medicaid, Medicare) have been exhausted.

Eligible Properties

  • Single-family homes up to fourplexes are allowed and should be the senior's primary residence.


  • Applicants must be 55 years of age or older
  • Must show documented need by a medical professional, caseworker or caregiver who is familiar with the individuals needs
  • Must be able to prove ownership or provide a lease agreement from landlord
  • Household income cannot exceed 100 percent of area median adjusted for household size
  • The property must be the current principal residence of the eligible senior

Notice of Funding Availability

There is currently no new funding available for administrating organizations. For individuals looking for home modifications, contact the appropriate agency

Reference Materials

AHFC Contact

Regan Mattingly
Planner I
Planning and Program Development
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
P.O. Box 101020
Anchorage, AK 99510-1020