AHFC Grants for Homeless and Supportive Housing
AHFC manages several state and federal programs serving statewide homeless and supportive housing needs. Summaries for each are provided below, along with hyperlinks to the specific program pages.
Program Summaries
New Video Training - How to Manage Service Grants
AHFC’s Homeless and Supportive Housing program managers provide guidance on grant compliance through a series of short online videos. These videos provide guidance on allowable expenses for supportive housing grants, documentation requirements, and several other compliance topics that frequently arise during audits.
Homeless Assistance Program
This program is coordinated with AHFCs funding partners that include the Mental Health Trust Authority. Funds are awarded competitively to agencies, not individuals, that provide emergency or transitional housing and/or services to prevent homelessness or rapidly re-house those who have been displaced.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
This program serves the Alaska 501 Continuum of Care program which includes all of Alaska outside the Anchorage municipal area. ESG is focused on addressing the needs of homeless people in emergency or transitional shelters to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.
Special Needs Housing Grant (SNHG)
The SNHG provides AHFC and Alaska Mental Health Trust funds through competitive grants to nonprofit service providers and housing developers for construction and operation of housing for the Alaskan special needs populations, primarily beneficiaries of the Alaska Mental Health Trust.
Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids
Grants to nonprofit AIDS assistance organizations make possible supportive services and housing assistance so that people with AIDS can find and maintain safe, affordable and decent housing. This program is primarily funded by HUD, and awards are issued through a competitive process.
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
The Tenant Based Rental Assistance program provides eligible persons transitioning from State of Alaska Department of Corrections with financial assistance to obtain affordable housing. It helps families lease privately owned rental units from participating landlords. TBRA provides 12 months of rental assistance and security deposit assistance to eligible families.
Senior Access Program
In partnership with local nonprofits, AHFC provides funds to allow senior citizens (those older than 55 years of age) to make accessibility modifications to their homes, extending their ability to live independently.
Continuum of Care
AHFC serves as the Collaborative Applicant or lead agency that coordinates the submission of the annual application to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for funding under the Continuum of Care program for the Balance of State CoC (all areas outside of Anchorage). CoC funds are used by agencies to assist homeless persons to access permanent housing and to support the Alaska Homeless Management Information System (AKHMIS). AHFC also provides assistance to meet the HUD required 25 percent local match through the CoC Grant Match Program.
Map of AHFC Funded Homeless and Supportive Housing Activities
The map below illustrates the distribution of homeless and supportive housing activities funded through programs managed by AHFC. Summary information is available by clicking on each of the individual icons (Full Screen Map viewing is recommended). For information regarding the programs noted in the map, please contact the Statewide Homeless Housing Office at housingoffice@ahfc.us.