Internal Audit Department


Looking for COVID-19 Resources?

The following FAQs provide guidance on Section 4024 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Section 4024 of the CARES Act imposes a temporary moratorium on evictions. The temporary eviction moratorium applies to covered dwelling units assisted by the HOME Program.

This document contains the HOME Investment Partnerships Program FAQs posted on the HUD Exchange website. The FAQs are organized by topic.

About the Department

The Internal Audit Department (IAD) of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) was established in 1989. When the IAD was established AHFC's major task was dealing with the effects of the Alaskan recession. This recession resulted in a high mortgage loan delinquency and foreclosure rate throughout the state. The focus of AHFC then shifted in 1992 when it was merged with the Alaska State Housing Authority and a section of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs.

With this merger, IAD assumed the additional responsibilities of auditing the Public Housing Division and the States energy efficiency and rural loan programs. Shortly after this merger, the Program Planning Development department began allocating funds for the HOME Investment Partnership Program, Senior and Tax Credit multi-family housing programs. Owner/developer compliance with these programs was assigned to IAD and the Compliance Section of IAD was established.
