Housing Voucher Form Library

The forms found on this page are available to download for anyone enrolled in the Voucher online briefing. If you are not receiving a Voucher, please contact your local AHFC office before completing and submitting any of these forms. 

Reasonable Accommodation

Changes In Your Household

Housing Discrimination

Housing Quality Standards (HQS)

Rental Subsidy Standards

How Much You Pay for Housing

Talking To Landlords & The Voucher Leasing Package

The Lease Agreement

The Violence Against  Women  Act  (“VAWA”) 

Voucher Handbooks

Payment Standards

The payment standards set the maximum amount AHFC pays for tenants' rent and utilities. These standards are based on several factors, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fair Market Rent, local vacancy rates and other local market information. Voucher payment standards are not the maximum rent that can be charged or the subsidy that tenants receive.

Grievances & Appeals

AHFC will provide a reasonable accommodation to enable persons with disabilities to participate in any of the processes described in this section. Ask the local AHFC office for more information and assistance.

Applicant Informal Review

A voucher program applicant may appeal certain decisions made by AHFC in the administration of the program. The appeal process is found in federal regulations at 24 CFR 982.554. The CFR is available at www.gpo.gov.

Click here for the Applicant Informal Review process.

Rent Change Informal Hearing

A Housing Choice Voucher participant may appeal income and rent determinations made by AHFC. The appeal process is found in federal regulations at 24 CFR 982.555. The CFR is available at www.gpo.gov.

Click here for the Rent Change Informal Hearing process.

Participant Informal Hearing

A voucher program participant may appeal certain decisions made by AHFC in the administration of the program. The appeal process is found in federal regulations at 24 CFR 982.555. The CFR is available at www.gpo.gov.

Click here for the Participant Informal Hearing process.

Minimum Rent Exemption Process

A family subject to the minimum rent requirement may request an exemption due to a financial hardship. This process is found in federal regulations at 24 CFR 5.630. The CFR is available at http://www.gpo.gov.

Click here for the Minimum Rent Exemption process.

The Bridge Process

The Bridge Process is designed to address family financial hardships that occur due to extraordinary situations. Families must submit a Bridge Application along with appropriate documentation to begin the process.

Click here for the Bridge Process. 

Online Voucher Briefing Access