About Our Classes

Jumpstart provides educational opportunities to help families enrolled in Alaska Housing’s assisted housing programs meet their economic goals. Jumpstart provides access to free training and identification of helpful community resources that increase job skills, improve earning potential and help families become more financially independent.

Alaska Housing programs can work with you to:

  • Help you create and accomplish goals
  • Provide support by identifying resources that allow you to overcome challenges and invest in yourself
  • Provide short- and long-term financial incentives to eligible families
  • Provide continuing education opportunities to enhance your career options

Monthly Class Flyers

View, download and print our monthly class flyers:

Amazon Fire Tablet

Successfully complete one of the two options listed below, offered through the Jumpstart Education Program, to receive an Amazon Fire Tablet!

  1. Job Search Part 1 - Effective Job Application Principals, AND Job Search Part 2 - Resumes and Cover Letters AND Job Search Part 3 – Successful Interview Techniques classes.
  2. Basic Computer Skills Series 1 – 3

This incentive is only available to AHFC assisted housing participants – one tablet per person, while supply lasts.

Lifeline Support

The Lifeline Support federal program helps with $9.25 off monthly phone, internet or bundled services costs: https://www.lifelinesupport.org/. All AHFC housing assistance participants are eligible.

The link provides information to apply and qualify for the program. Once enrolled an individual can transfer their Lifeline benefits to a new company at any time and also learn about their Lifeline consumer rights.

Earn a $25 Gift Card

For attending and graduating the Creating Success in the Workplace class series. While supplies last.