What They're Saying About Homebuyer Education

Alaska Housing's free homebuyer education coursesHomeChoice™ and FinallyHome! – provide information that can help prospective homebuyers better understand the process of buying a home. 

Earlier this year, the homebuyer education courses reached impressive milestones, including the fact that more than 90% of participants felt more confident buying a home after completing one of the courses. 

Here are a few responses from Alaskans who participated in HomeChoice™ in 2022, highlighting what they appreciated most about the course.

What Alaska Housing homebuyer education participants have to say about the courses.

Sign Up For Classes Today

Ready to learn more about the homebuying process or share the information with someone who is? Register for one of our education sessions.

HomeChoice™ is available online or in person, while FinallyHome! is an online home study course

Click here to register for HomeChoice™

Click here to register for Finally Home!