Cultivating Connection in Fairbanks
After a year of isolation due to COVID-19 for many residents, Roxie Fambro, Alaska Housing’s service coordinator in Fairbanks created a fresh, positive outdoor activity for Southall Manor and Golden Towers residents.
On June 8, 2021 Calypso Farm and Wild Rose Farm donated starter plants and seeds to residents. Wild Rose Farm shared and demonstrated gardening tips and tricks to help Southhall Manor’s garden grow and flourish.
Mary Keelean, Alaska Housing’s asset supervisor in Fairbanks said the day cultivated relationships and planted seeds of connection and fun. AHFC maintenance built the planter boxes for the garden.
“Soil was tilled and new friendships were made,” Keelean said.
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Roxie Fambro, Fairbanks Service Coordinator with donated plants from Calypso Farm and Wild Rose Farm.
Planters boxes AHFC maintenance created for Southhall Manor and Golden Towers gardening classes.