Technical Assistance - Grants
Training related to affordable housing is hosted and/or sponsored by AHFC and its partners throughout the year. This web page will be updated with planned and scheduled training opportunities for the calendar year 2020.
For questions about planned and potential trainings for calendar year 2020, contact Jennifer Smerud at (907) 330-8276 or by email at Jennifer Smerud .
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspector Training
The three-day HQS Inspector training will ensure that inspectors thoroughly understand the required elements of HQS. Upon completion of the training, the trainees should be able to identify what constitutes a decent, safe and sanitary unit, HUD’s requirements for inspections, including electricity and security, walls, ceilings, floor, interiors, kitchens, heating, plumbing, general health and safety, lead-based paint regulations and performance indicators for housing quality standards.
An examination for certification is offered at the end of the training session.
*** Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this training is postponed until further notice. ***
Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS)
The two-day UPCS Inspector training will ensure that inspectors thoroughly understand UPCS definitions and the five areas of inspection items and the definitions for defects at each item. Trainees will learn about sites, building exteriors, systems, common areas, units, and health and safety.
Training will take place as a group-life seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion and class materials with interactive brainstorming and questions and answer sessions.
An examination for certification is offered at the end of the training session.
*** Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this training is postponed until further notice. ***