Alaska Housing Assessments

2018 Housing Assessment

2014 Housing Assessment

Alaska Housing Assessments provide a statewide, regional and community look at major factors affecting housing benefiting policymakers, funding agencies, housing authorities and more. Factors such as overcrowding, affordability, energy use and how Alaska communities compare with the rest of the U.S. are presented and analyzed. The 2014 Assessment has in-depth detail on building energy use from the more than 80,000 AkWarm energy ratings completed throughout the state.

2009 Housing Assessment

The 2009 Alaska Housing Assessment focuses on the housing unit itself and energy use of the current housing stock.

2005 Housing Assessment

This 2005 Alaska Housing Assessment study was undertaken to determine housing conditions and needs throughout Alaska. In part, the study updates similar work completed in 1988 and 1991; it also expands the knowledge of housing conditions in Alaska.