AHFC values its relationships with lenders. Those spotlighted have demonstrated a history of supporting Alaskan homebuyers with AHFC loans. If you have questions about our products, contact any of our approved lenders.
Carrie Morton
Residential Mortgage, LLC — Kodiak, Alaska
Lending in Kodiak since 1991 and with Residential Mortgage since 1998, I continually strive to assist my clients in reaching their goals of purchasing a home. Witnessing the smile on my clients' faces once their loan has closed is a gratifying feeling. I am fortunate to be able to provide local assistance to our community for the last 31 years, and I am happy to know my previous clients trust me to help their adult children with their first-time home purchase.
Because of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, applying for an AHFC loan is a smooth and positive process for my clients. As promised, AHFC continually provides my clients access to safe, quality, affordable housing. The steps Kodiak takes to become more energy efficient walk hand in hand with the energy efficiency programs offered by AHFC. I love the personal relationship I have with AHFC and their open communication and assistance. I can count on AHFC because they understand Alaska and Alaskans.
Get in Touch
Carrie Morton
Mortgage Loan Originator
NMLS #196016
Cell: (907) 539-1235
Office: (907) 481-1044
Fax: (907) 743-9636
Email: mortonc@residentialmtg.com
Web: https://www.residentialmtg.com/carrie-morton
Residential Mortgage, LLC
2695 Mill Bay Road
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
NMLS #167729