Loan Options
Combine Alaska Housing loan options with a single-family loan to reduce your interest rate or assist with the down payment. Find out if more than one loan option applies to you by checking with an approved lender.
Single-family loan options
Affordable Housing Enhanced Loan
Borrowers receive down payment assistance (secondary financing) from a local, state or federal governmental agency, nonprofit agency or regional housing authority.
Energy Efficiency Interest Rate Reduction
To promote the energy efficiency of existing and newly constructed homes, Alaska Housing offers interest rate reductions to homebuyers for properties meeting certain criteria.
Interest Rate Reduction for Low-Income Borrowers
This option seeks to increase home ownership by offering subsidized interest rates to low-income borrowers depending on family income and family size.
State Veterans Interest Rate Preference
Qualified veterans receive a 1% interest rate reduction on the first $50,000 of the loan amount. Veterans must meet "State Vet" income limits.
Note: Loan options are not available on multi-family loans.