Food Assistance Programs for Alaskans

As we near the end of what has been a most challenging year, we want to let everyone know that there are free food resources available in communities across Alaska. Here is a list of where you can get free staple foods to prepare and eat in your home. Most provide pantry foods year-round.
Statewide/Federal Food Assistance
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is a federal program that provides the Alaska Quest card for low-income households to use for the purchase of food (groceries). To apply:
- Visit the Alaska DHSS website
- Text “SNAP” to (907) 891-8913
- Call (907) 222-3119
- Call Toll-Free (844) 222-3119
- Email
Food Assistance by Community
Anchorage area
Food Bank of Alaska provides fresh food to Anchorage families in need with the help of partners that provide locations throughout the city. The days and times for the Mobile Food Pantry vary. For the Mobile Food Pantry’s schedule and location, call 2-1-1 or visit the Food Bank of Alaska website.
Below are listed some of the locations the Mobile Food Pantry visits.
- Emergency Food Box Distribution - Tikahtnu Commons, 1142 N. Muldoon Rd.
- Fairview Recreation Center - 1121 E. 10th Ave., 907-343-4130
- First Christian Methodist Church - 3600 MacInnes St., 907-563-7044
- Jewel Lake Community Church of the Nazarene - 4025 W. 88th Ave., 907-243-2344
- Lions Clubs of Alaska - 4233 Mountain View Dr., 907-561-3680
- Lutheran Church of Hope - 1847 W. Northern Lights Blvd., 907-272-3663
- Lutheran Social Services of Alaska - 1303 W. 33rd Ave.
- Mother Lawrence Foundation - 3609 Richmond Ave., 907-272-0989
- Mountain View Boys and Girls Club - 2300 W. 36th Ave., 907-297-5437
- Muldoon Community Assembly - 7041 Debarr Rd., 907-272-3663
- Spenard Lions Club - 2108 Roosevelt Dr., 907-428-0832
Below are listed a few other organizations that provide various forms of pantry-type assistance in the Anchorage area. Please call or visit the provider’s website for schedule and availability.
- Catholic Social Services Saint Francis House - 3710 E. 20th Ave.
- Chugiak-Eagle River Food Pantry - 12836 Old Glenn Hwy, 907-694-5753
- Eagle River Church of God - 17108 Hanson Dr., 907-694-9395
- Emergency Food Bank St. Benedict’s Outreach - 8110 Jewel Lake Rd., 907-273-1596
- Food Bank of Alaska, 2121 Spar Ave., 907-272-3663
- New Hope on the Last Frontier - 1220 E. Street
- North Anchorage Church of God - 1711 Bragaw St., 907-338-2316
- Salvation Army – McKinnell House and Family Emergency Services - 1712 A Street
- Shiloh Baptist Family Services - 1928 Juneau St., 907-276-6673
- St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church - 7208 Duben Ave., 907-333-5010
- Big Lake Community Food Pantry - 14225 W Kluane Dr - 907-892-8545
- Upper Su Food Pantry (Sunshine) - 16004 Walsted Rd - 907-733-3358
- Our Lady of the Lake Food Pantry - M5 S Big Lake Rd - 907-892-6492
- Palmer Food Bank - 221 S Valley Way - 907-746-3565
- Blood n Fire Ministry - 244 Sylvan Rd #21, Meadow Lakes - 907-864-0463
- Frontline Mission - 2001 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy - 907-357-8600
- Palmer Church of God Food Pantry - Mile 40 Glenn Hwy - 907-232-6706
- Mat-Su Food Bank - 501 E Bogard Rd- 907-357-3769
- Salvation Army Mat-Su Palmer - 12271 E Palmer Wasilla Highway - 907-745-7079
- Summit Worship Center - 125 W Riley Ave - 907-376-5732
- WILLOW Sutton Bible Church Food Pantry - 15772 N Glenn Hwy - 907-354-0012
- Willow Community Food Pantry - 67.7 Parks Hwy - 907-414-7555
- Bethel Community services foundation (monthly) - 1795 Chief Eddie Hoffman Hwy, 907-543-1812
- Bethel Winter House, Covenant Church - 165 Chief Eddie Hoffman Hwy
- Orutsararmiut Native Council - 117 Katie Haley Lane, 907-543-2608
- Salvation Army – Cordova Corps - 514 First St., 907-424-3134
- Christ is the Answer - 402 16th Ave., 907-452-6810
- Fairbanks Community Food Bank - 725 26th Avenue #101, 907-457-4273
- Fairbanks First Church of the Nazarene - 1524 Westwood Way Suite B, 907-479-6734
- Fairbanks Native Association - 315 Wendell St., 907-452-5225
- Fairhill Community Church - 101 City Lights Blvd., 907-457-5522
- First Presbyterian Church Fairbanks - 547 7th Ave., 907-452-2406
- Immaculate Conception Church and Community Services - 115 N. Cushman St., 907-456-4918
- Salvation Army Fairbanks Corps - 1602 10th Ave, 907-452-3103
- Homer Community Food Pantry - 1468 Sterling Hwy., 907-235-2609
- Salvation Army – Homer Corps - 770 East End Rd., 907-235-1968
- Helping Hands Food Bank of Juneau – 6590 Glacier Hwy., 907-957-6632
- Resurrection Lutheran Church – 740 W. 10th St., 907-586-2380
- Saint Brendan’s Episcopal Church – 4207 Mendenhall Loop Rd., 907-789-5152
- Salvation Army – Juneau Corps – 439 Willoughby Ave., 907-586-2136
- Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church – 4212 Mendenhall Loop Rd., 907-789-4093
- Southeast Alaska Food Bank – 10020 Crazy Horse Dr., 907-789-6184
- Ketchikan Presbyterian Church – 2711 2nd Ave., 907-225-3619
- Little Free Pantry – Holy Name Catholic Church, 433 Jackson St. (no phone, box outside)
- Love in Action – 121 Nadeau St., 907-247-5462
- Salvation Army – Gateway Corps – 342 Stedman St., 907-225-5277
- Kodiak Baptist Mission – 1944 E. Rezanof Dr., 907-486-4126
- Salvation Army – Kodiak Corps – 1855 Mission Rd., 907-276-2515
- Food Bank of Alaska – Nome Community Center, 312 Bering St, 907-443-5259
- Terry’s Pet Food Pantry (for animals) – 508 W. Tobuk Alley, 907-443-2633
- Petersburg Indian Association - for an application: 15 N. 12th St., 907-772-3636
- He Will Provide Community Food Pantry, 2101 Seward Hwy., 907-362-3033
- Salvation Army – Sitka Corps - 405 Sawmill Creek Road, 907-747-4519
- Sitka Tribe of Alaska – 429 Katlian St., 907-747-2669
- Kenai Peninsula Food Bank - 33955 Community College Dr., 907-262-3111
- Valdez Food Bank - 278 Richardson Hwy., 907-835-3663
- Salvation Army – Wrangell Corps - 611 Zimovia Hwy., 907-874-3753