Apply for up to $2,500 in Education Scholarships

Alaska Housing encourages families to advance their career goals through an Education Scholarship. Scholarship awardees can receive assistance up to $2,500 to help them achieve a variety of career goals — from technical training to college tuition.
“Education is one of the most empowering forces in the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunities,” said Mandi Manning, an AHFC housing specialist who administers the scholarship.
The 2024 application period closed on May 31 at 5:00 p.m. Alaska time. We encourage you to apply next year!
Eligibility Information
Applicants must be recipients of AHFC Public Housing rental assistance through an AHFC housing voucher program or as a resident in a unit owned by AHFC.
Adults may apply if they wish to attend a vocational, trade or academic school.
- High school seniors may apply if they plan to attend a vocational, trade or academic school in the fall 2024 semester after graduating high school.
Eligible Schools & Use
The school must be located within the State of Alaska. Funds may be used to cover tuition, books, and fees directly related to the student’s education.
Funding can be used for training on a specific topic — such as a culinary class, welding program, or computer training — as well as professional development, like a travel career academy. Long-term formal educational endeavors in a one, two, or four-year college program are also eligible. Any training or academic institution recognized by the following will qualify:
- Alaska Post-Secondary Education Commission Eligible Schools & Programs
- Alaska Dept of Health & Social Services Approved Institutions (By Division)
- Alaska Dept of Labor, Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL)
Application Process
The application period for 2024 is open from April 15 to May 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Alaska Time. Along with your application, you'll need to provide:
- Two Letters of Recommendation: These should be from teachers, employers, property managers, caseworkers or friends explaining why they support your application.
- Written Essay: You'll be asked to describe your educational, vocational, or economic goals, and involvement in community or other self-sufficiency activities.
- Academic Record: This requirement is for continuing students only — individuals who currently attend a high school, trade or vocational school, or college/university. If you are a high school senior applying for post-secondary school, you'll submit a copy of your most recent report card. If you already attend a post-secondary school, you'll attach your most recent transcript.
There are detailed instructions in the application about how to submit these materials online. Any application received with missing or incomplete information will not be accepted, and AHFC will not consider any applications received after the deadline.
“AHFC’s Education Scholarship helps participating families attain their educational goals or the training and skills necessary to help them build a brighter future,” explained Manning. Read how the Education Scholarship helped one Alaskan earn degrees that could build his professional development.
For More Information
Please contact Mandi Manning if you have questions about the program or need assistance.
Phone: 907-330-6185 in Anchorage, or 877-254-6257 toll free in the rest of Alaska
Editor's Note: Updated June 5, 2024 to note application period closure.