SS Multifamily Memo 16-03
Date: October 31, 2016
Multi-Family Loan Purchase Program
Eric Havelock, Lending Officer II
Leasehold Requirements
(Section 2001.02.A)
Effective with the date of this memo, AHFC will accept for purchase a mortgage secured by a leasehold interest where the original term or exercised renewal of the lease and any renewals enforceable by the mortgagee do not terminate earlier than 5 years after the maturity date of the mortgage or, for a mortgage with a balloon payment at maturity, not earlier than 5 years after the maturity date the mortgage would have had if a regular amortization had continued until the mortgage was paid in full.
Factual Report Requirement
(Section 3001.02.A)
Effective with the date of this memo, a factual report is no longer required with the application for approval of a transfer of title.
Property Inspection by Loan Servicer Requirement
(Section 3001.02.B)
Effective with the date of this memo, a property inspection by the loan servicer is no longer required with the application for approval of a transfer of title.