SS Multifamily Memo 15-02
Date: December 11, 2015
Child Support Review AHFC Form UND-22
(Revised Form UND-22)
AHFC has been advised that the Child Support Services Division (CSSD) is providing a new online service for reviewing child support records. This service affects how to verify whether or not a borrower may have an arrearage in child support payments. The CSSD online service is already in effect and they are no longer completing the UND-22; in fact, many of you may already be aware of this change. If not, information about the service and instructions for signing up can be found at the Department of Revenues CSSD webpage. In addition, we recommend you contact CSSD at 269-6900 or at if you need more information.
In order to respond to the changes at CSSD, effective with the date of this memo, AHFC has revised the UND-22 form. This form will now be completed by the Lender and will require an underwriters signature. The Lender should attach a copy of the Child Support Statement obtained from the CSSD online service to the UND-22 for each borrower. The UND-22 and attachments must be maintained in the Lenders loan file.
CSSD has assured AHFC that training on how to review Child Support Statements is available to AHFC Lenders. In addition, CSSD has assured AHFC that they will be available to assist with any specific questions that arise on individual Child Support Statements via either telephone or the email address above and that a response to an inquiry via email is guaranteed within 48 hours.
Forms Guide revisions: Contact MULTI-FAMILY
(Only available in PDF - Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader is required to read/print PDF files)
Revised Form
UND-22 (Revised)