AHFC offers classes, continuing education credits and certification exams for housing professionals ranging from financing options and energy efficiency to HUD regulations and inspector training.
For More Information
Access the complete listing of current course offerings.
2018 HOME Training Series
TDA Consulting, Inc. was founded in 1998 and is committed to promoting excellence and professionalism in the housing and community development field. TDA's subject matter experts can provide emerging insights on the direction of key HUD programs such as HOME, CDBG, and the Housing Trust Fund, and its clients benefit from TDA's ability to share best practices gleaned from across the country.
HOME Fundamentals August 27th and 28th
This customized 2-day HOME 101-style course provides participants with an overview of the HOME Program, including key requirements for each eligible activity type homebuyer, homeowner rehabilitation, rental, and tenant-based rental assistance. To help participants make sense of it all, the course provides a framework for rules on a program wide, project, and assisted-unit basis and ensures they understand the roles and responsibilities applicable to HOME Participating Jurisdictions (PJ), sub-recipients, property owners/developers, CHDOs, and low-income beneficiaries.
Underwriting HOME Rental Projects August 29th and 30th
This 2-day segment on underwriting and structuring HOME-assisted rental projects explains the underwriting framework required by the 2013 HOME Final Rule for both PJ staff and development partners. This hands-on training includes a mixture of lecture, Q&A, and applied exercises. Exercises include review and manipulation of an example project proforma modeled from actual AHFC-funded projects and focuses on ensuring the long-term sustainability of rental projects, allowing participants to begin applying key underwriting metrics and approaches to their own projects.
Ongoing HOME Rental Compliance August 31st
Focused on the 5 P's of compliance, this 1-day course helps ensure projects serve the right People, at the right Price, while maintaining the Property's quality for the affordability Period through it all getting the Paperwork right. New staff and seasoned veterans alike will benefit from learning about new and ever-evolving HUD expectations. In addition to topics such as income verification, over-income tenant rules, and lease requirements, the course will cover the latest information on HUD's new VAWA rule explaining roles and responsibilities for both the PJ and property owners.
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspector Training
The three-day HQS Inspector training will ensure that inspectors thoroughly understand the required elements of HQS. Upon completion of the training, the trainees should be able to identify what constitutes a decent, safe and sanitary unit, HUD’s requirements for inspections, including electricity and security, walls, ceilings, floor, interiors, kitchens, heating, plumbing, general health and safety, lead-based paint regulations and performance indicators for housing quality standards.
Training will take place as a group-life seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion and class materials with interactive brainstorming and questions and answer sessions.
An examination for certification is offered at the end of the training session.
*** Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this training is postponed until further notice. ***
Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS)
The two-day UPCS Inspector training will ensure that inspectors thoroughly understand UPCS definitions and the five areas of inspection items plus the definitions for defects at each item. Trainees will learn about sites, building exteriors, systems, common areas, units, and health and safety.
Training will take place as a group-life seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion and class materials with interactive brainstorming and questions and answer sessions.
An examination for certification is offered at the end of the training session.
*** Note: Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this training is postponed until further notice. ***
Financing a Home (for Builders and Real Estate Professionals)
AHFC offers a variety of mortgage loans for the Alaska consumer. "Financing a Home" provides the most up to date information on financing options with low interest rates,energy efficiency improvements, federally insured/guaranteed programs and AHFC program requirements.
Continuing education
Real estate professionals and builders participating in this class will earn four hours of continuing education credit.
The topics that will be covered:
- AHFC Mortgage Programs
- Rate Reduction for Energy Efficiency Program
- Alaska Minimum Construction Standards
- Alaska Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES)
This is a free class, however class size is limited so please pre-register.
No classes are scheduled at this time.
Advanced Inspector Training
This training takes place in a two-day course covering variations to acceptability criteria (impact of model codes, selection of improvements, etc.), building systems information on sites, foundations, electrical, plumbing, heating and ventilation systems.
Certification exams will be offered for each course for a fee.
No classes are scheduled at this time.
More Than a Mortgage Loan (for Real Estate Professionals)
Money-Saving Moment: In today's market, it's more than a mortgage loan. Get the nuts and bolts on how to help homebuyers empower themselves with information to be purchase ready. With mortgage rates at all-time lows, now may be a great time to purchase a new home or refinance -- if borrower's can meet loan criteria.
Continuing Education
As approved by Alaska Real Estate Commission, real estate professionals participating in this class will earn three hours of continuing education credit.
The topics that will be covered:
- What you should know about financing
- The qualification process
- The impact of credit
- Conventional, FHA, VA, USDA and HUD 184
- Multi-Family & Greater Opportunities for Affordable Living programs
- Interest rate reductions and more buying power
- Property financing requirements and energy efficiency
This is a free class, however class size is limited so please pre-register.
No classes are scheduled at this time.