Becoming a Rater
How do I become an Energy Rater?
Currently, Alaska Housing is not issuing any new energy rater agreements or offering training. If demand for energy raters increases, Alaska Housing will reopen the process to issue agreements.
Do I need to be certified?
Alaska Housing is not a certifying body for energy raters, and currently none exist in Alaska. Alaska Housing does issue energy-rater agreements to individuals who meet the criteria and receive an agreement from Alaska Housing to perform Alaska Housing-authorized energy ratings. This agreement is required for anyone who wishes to perform energy ratings for AHFC programs.
What are the Prerequisites?
The prerequisites are defined in 15 AAC 155.530. Completion of the prerequisites is not a guarantee of acceptance into the Alaska Housing Energy Rater training program or issuance of an Alaska Housing Energy Rater agreement.
What are the Initial Application Requirements?
- Completed New Energy Rater application
- Copy of high school diploma or GED
- Alaska State Trooper Criminal Justice Report or FBI Identification Records Request
- Alaska Housing-approved cold climate training
- Cold climate retrofit
- Wx technician 1
- Cold climate homebuilding
- Building techniques for cold climates
- Residential endorsement
- Alaska Housing-approved Energy Rater Training
- Basic blower door
- Pressure diagnostics
- Weatherization building analyst/assessor
- Advanced blower door
- Documented proof and references of four years or 8,000 hours of experience in one or more of the following six areas of expertise:
- Residential construction
- Residential architecture/design
- ICC-Certified combination dwelling inspector
- Weatherization assessor
- Residential energy auditor
- Residential energy efficiency
What are the final Energy Rater Candidate Requirements?
If Alaska Housing determines that the energy rater candidate is preliminarily qualified to participate in the New Energy Rater Training Program, the candidate must provide proof of completion of the following courses:
- Air tightness, such as Advanced Blower Door, Pressure Diagnostics, Wx Assessor or Energy Analyst
- Combustion safety
- Cold climate building science
- BEES/Alaska ventilation standard
- Advanced AKWarm software
These courses may be available through training contractors:
Required certifications include:
- Building Performance Institute's Building Analyst
- BEES Compliance Certification
Required Online Exams:
- AKWarm Software
- Cold Climate Building Science
What are the required tests?
All energy raters, including energy-rater trainers and reviewers, are required to take two tests. Energy raters may take the test in person or online.
To take the test in person through the Alaska Craftsman Home Program, contact its office directly.
Take the test online via the Wisdom and Associates website.