Building Energy Efficiency Standard

The Alaska Housing Building Energy Efficiency Standard (BEES) was established by the State of Alaska to promote the construction of energy efficient buildings. It sets building energy use standards for thermal resistance, air leakage, moisture protection, and ventilation.

BEES is currently comprised of the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), ASHRAE 62.2 2016, and Alaska Specific Amendments to both. A minimum 5 Star energy rating is required.

All buildings that began construction on or after January 1, 1992 must comply with BEES if Alaska Housing or other state financial assistance is to be used in the purchase of a loan.

BEES Compliance

Compliance with BEES is achieved by completing the PUR-101 and PUR-102; a Certificate of Occupancy can be used in lieu of a PUR-102 from an AHFC approved municipality. An Alaska Housing Energy Rater is the only authorized entity who can complete the PUR-101.

Alaska Housing Financing Compliance

Meeting Alaska Housing financing requirements is achieved by having a completed PUR-101 and PUR-102. A Certificate of Occupancy may be substituted from an approved municipality in lieu of the PUR-102.
