Seller/Servicer Memorandum 24-02
Date: February 23, 2024
From: Michelle Graves
Director, Mortgage Operations
(Anchorage Only: 907-330-8400/ Outside Anchorage: 888-854-3884)
Clarification Memo - Previously sent as Memo 22-09
This Memo is being sent out as a reminder on the items that apply for an energy rate reduction.
When reviewing the Home Energy Rating Certificate, the energy efficiency Star rating can be found in the box in the upper left hand corner. Only this Star rating, also referenced as the “efficiency score”, may be considered when determining eligibility for the energy rate reduction.
Home Energy Rating Certificates may also show a higher efficiency score rating due to the presence of renewables. That score can be seen on the graph to the right of Star rating, but cannot be considered for an energy rate reduction.
See attached sample. Home Energy Rating Certificate