Category: Homelessness

IAC to be Awarded $1.1 million Grant - Posted November 25, 2020
Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and stalking victims will be better served by Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living thanks to the nonprofits’ grant application and successful award.
AHFC awards $5 million in federal grants - Posted November 19, 2020
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation is announcing grants under HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grants-CV program to help seven nonprofit organizations around Alaska provide rapid rehousing efforts and homelessness prevention for vulnerable populations impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
MyHouse to be Awarded $690,808 - Posted November 19, 2020
A federally-funded grant will help MyHouse to address the increased needs and challenges of taking care of the Mat-Su’s homeless youth during the COVID-19 crisis. Mat-Su’s homeless and at-risk homeless youth will be better served by MyHouse thanks to the nonprofits’ grant application and successful award of nearly $700,000 of $5 million awarded statewide from Alaska Housing Finance Corporation.
WISH to be Awarded $704,569 Grant from AHFC - Posted November 18, 2020
To address increased needs and challenges of serving Ketchikan’s at- risk and homeless population during the COVID-19 crisis, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation announces the award of a federally-funded grant that will help Women In Safe Homes renovate a new shelter for families and individuals experiencing domestic violence/ sexual assault and offer a rapid rehousing and homeless prevention program to the community at large.
Brother Francis Kodiak to receive $752K - Posted November 16, 2020
To address increased needs and challenges of serving Kodiak’s homeless population during the COVID-19 crisis, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation announces the award of a federally-funded grant that will support Brother Francis Shelter Kodiak in its outreach and case management services and make critical upgrades to its shelter.
A Public Housing Success Story - Posted October 29, 2020
As a single mom, RaShawn said transitioning from the emergency shelter for mothers and children to AHFC’s public housing, then enrolling in Jumpstart, was a changing point in her life.
Future Comes with a Place Called Home - Posted August 19, 2020
Every year 1000s of adults younger than 25 years old leave the foster care system in the U.S. Between 11 and 37% can expect to experience homelessness according to U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. That’s where the Foster Youth to Independence comes in.
Alaska Housing Relief During COVID-19 - Posted June 10, 2020
The Alaska Housing Relief program will help those Alaskans who are struggling to pay for their rent or mortgage for a month. $10 million has been set aside for relief. A dedicated website will help individuals determine whether their household qualifies for this one-time financial assistance that could mean up to $1,200 per household that will be paid to their landlord or mortgage servicer.
Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and Alaska Housing Finance Corporation jointly announced today eligibility requirements and the process for Alaskans seeking financial relief from their rent and mortgage obligations.
Monday, May 5 was an important day for Hans Nelson. At exactly 8:15 a.m. he entered the Northwest Iñupiat Housing Authority building on Turf Street in Kotzebue.